The Genesis of the Trax Fitness Tracker

As an enthusiastic lifter, I’ve always found that knowing you’re making progress is the fuel that drives each workout. However, tracking that progress turned out to be a different story. Like many dedicated lifters, I tried everything — from countless fitness apps to old-fashioned pages of handwritten notes — meticulously documenting reps, sets, and routines. But after trying each of these methods, it became clear that none of them were truly effective or practical. It felt like they either added too much friction to my workouts or failed to provide the real-time insights I needed to improve.

At one point, I decided to just follow my intuition and lift based on how I felt each day. But then came another problem: remembering where I left off. I often found myself struggling to recall what weight I last lifted or how many reps I achieved in my last session. It was a hassle to track whether I was actually making consistent progress, and if I was really applying the principle of progressive overload — the only sure way to build stronger, bigger muscles. I needed something better, something that could track my efforts effortlessly and accurately.

The idea for Trax Fitness Tracker was born out of a conversation with a fellow gym-goer. We matched timing frequently, and as we shared our struggles with tracking progress, it became clear that I wasn’t alone in feeling frustrated by the existing methods. We both wanted a better solution — a way to seamlessly track every workout without disrupting the flow of the session, and to have the data at our fingertips to ensure we were always improving.

From that moment, the vision for Trax became clear: to create a smart, AI-powered wearable that takes the burden of tracking off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on the lift, the sweat, and the journey towards your goals.

Meet the Founders

Ravi Umadi

Ravi Umadi

I have always had a flair for innovation. With a Master's degree in technology and a current pursuit of a PhD in bioacoustics, my passion lies at the intersection of problem-solving and technological creation. I thrive on building tech solutions that make life better and more efficient. Beyond technology, lifting weights is my daily ritual — a passion that drove me to innovate within the fitness space. The Trax Fitness Tracker is not just a project; it’s the product of my love for technology and my dedication to a fit and balanced lifestyle.



[Co-Founder Name] is a fellow gym enthusiast and fitness advocate who shares a deep passion for innovation in the fitness industry. Their combined experience in technology and personal fitness routines led to the co-creation of Trax, aiming to bring smart automation to workout tracking.